Privacy and Confidentiality
Accredited Mental Health Social Workers are bound by a code of ethics, which includes maintaining confidentiality about what you discuss with them. However, there may be circumstances where there is a need to discuss your information with others, such as when there is a concern about your safety. The terms of your privacy and confidentiality are detailed more fully in our “Privacy and Confidentiality Client Consent Form”.
Ethical and Respectful Practices
As already described, your practitioner is bound by a code of ethics as governed by the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) which details the standard of practice that you can expect of your counsellor. This includes:
Reports & Outcomes Measurements
As part of a formal referral process, we may be required to provide an initial assessment or progress report, or some feedback to
your referrer, about the progress of counselling and the outcomes that are being noticed which relate to the goals that you
identify in collaboration with your counsellor. Outcomes of counselling can be measured in a variety of ways and your counsellor
will discuss this with you at your initial and/or ongoing appointment(s).
Referral to other services
At times it can be identified that our service may not be the most suitable support arrangement for you, that it would be
beneficial for you to consult a particular specialist or that you would benefit from additional complimentary services or support.
Should this occur, we will openly discuss this with you and an alternate plan can be developed in consultation with you and/or
with your initial referrer.